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underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Navigations are at the top.

Monday, August 28, 2006
Confirmation of Attendance
10:54 AM

I actually saved this in 28 Aug, havn't had the chance to post it haha
some ppl are jus so irritating.. actually it's nth much jus tat at tat v moment, had tons of stuff to do n then meet this kind of irritatin ppl jus can't help but feel pek chey..

-----Original Message-----
From: SW
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 9:32 AM
To: Me
Subject: Confirmation of attendance
Referring to the attached, appreciate if your company could fax me the confirmation of attendance for Ms. XXX by today.

-----Original Message-----
From: Me
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:37 AM
To: SW
Subject: RE: Confirmation of attendance
Dear SW,
It seems that we have not recieved the registration for Ms. XXX. Kindly ask Ms. XXX to bring along her namecard tomorrow to register on the spot.
Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: SW
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:42 AM
To: Me
Subject: RE: Confirmation of attendance

Please open up my previous email attachment. I had registered Mr. XXX and as Mr. XXX is now unable to attend, Ms. XXX is attending on his behalf.

-----Original Message-----
From: Me
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 10:50 AM
To: SW

Dear XXX,
Yes, I did open up the attachment but it was not indicated that there was to be a change of participant. Thank you for your clarification, we will update on our side.

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Fun with Sparklers
8:36 PM

Am I Cute or Wat hahah
8:23 PM

ain't i lovable? (hehe)

Stupidity Act 2 & 3
7:40 PM

Helo i wan to chk payment for *coy name*

u wan to chk payment for?

for *coy name*

*yes i noe u wan to chk for ur coy but payment for wat!* for events or sub fee?

i tink should be sub fee

u dun even noe wat u wan to chk *faint*

on the same day...

I recieved a call from a lady who informed me that their coy's name has changed & so they won't be able to make payment as the invoice reflects the wrong name n i understand perfectly anyway i told her to send in an email so we can update our records of the change in name n will also send her an amended invoice with the correct company's name.then she asked if the date of the invoice will be changed.. well it won't n i told her so, that we will reprint the invoice with the correct company's name but the invoice date will b the same n she started going nuts n kept insistin that the date be changed else she won't accept the invoice.

wat the heck is her prob??? why MUS the invoice date be changed? it's not that we jus bill u wat. the invoice date is correct wat it should be billed in Jan 06 jus tat ur company's name changed u idiot! :p

this blog is fast becoming a place for me to complain.. n i'm resisting it haha tat explains the delay of this post from me (n also lack of posts haha)...

Saturday, August 19, 2006
Let the games begin!
12:19 PM

Today being a Saturday, coupled with me not being able to go anywhere but home, should see several entries posted by me. After a 3-month break, which included the World Cup 2006 as well, the EPL is back and it's back to soccer-watching days for soccer fans. I have to admit that my passion for soccer is not that great anymore, though I still support my beloved Manchester United.

I have to sidetrack a bit and take us back to 21 Apr 1991, where my romance with MU started. It was the league cup final in 1991 and against Sheffield Wednesday, which was not a bad team in those days I think. I was only 11 and before that, my only exposure to soccer was Italia 90 (World Cup 1990), where I caught a glimpse of a footballer by the name of Maradona. In any case, I wasn't that interested in soccer at that point of time. My father, who was, by the way, a Liverpool fan, was watching the match when I sat down and joined him in watching that match. (Afterthought: Come to think of it, I think I vaguely remembered my father grinning after the match... Did I think too much?)

I really couldn't and didn't understand what was soccer all about at my tender age and all I could remembered from that match was a long shot by a Sheff Wed player that beat Les Sealey (I still remembered his name, partly because of his name and because of his jersey that looks like a watermelon) in goal. After the final whistle was blown, the players in blue were celebrating while some of the players in red were either sitting or lying down on the pitch, in tears. I felt the players in blue were cocky and I sympathized with the players in red. I asked my dad, "What is the name of team in red?". He looked at me and replied, "Man U". From that day onwards, I decided to support this "red team" by the name of "Man U" who was the so-called "losers" in my opinion. The rest is history.

Snap back to 2006. The hottest topic revolving this season's EPL must surely be "Will Chelsea make or break?". Three consecutive EPL championships is not even a feat that is achieved by both Sir Alex Ferguson (thereafter referred to as SAF) and Arsene Wenger (AW) [Disclaimer: This is according to my limited memory so apologies if I get it wrong.] The pressure is surely on Jose Mourinho (JM) and with the pretenders to the crown seemingly stronger, it will be interesting what comments he will give if Chelsea does not perform to standards.

I always wanted to share my analysis on the championship and perhaps this blog will give me a chance to be a pundit! Hehe... All in all, allow me to say... "Let the games begin!"

Devil inside me I
10:43 AM

Humans are not perfect. Each and every one of us has a flaw and it's either you come face to face with your own flaws through knowing yourself better or through someone telling you in your face about your flaws. For me, I came to know one of my serious flaws - bad-tempered - at a relatively young age.

During my primary school days, I started playing soccer and I would cry whenever my team loses. I thought that was because I just didn't like to lose, such was my competitive nature (only in soccer!). Forward to secondary school days, eliminate the crying part but I was still a sore loser. I would start to get physical (but how physical can I get with my small frame) when my team, consisting of my secondary classmates, is trailing in a match.

I still remember a classic, if not embarassing, scenario where we were playing soccer with a team from another school and we were losing quite badly. I started to get rough and one of their players was really angry at me. He confronted me and pushed me to the ground (Ahem! Don't think I'm weak, ok? I was small-sized and didn't really expect him to push me.). The next thing I knew was players from both sides began to intervene and separate both of us to prevent a fight from ensuing. In the midst of chaos, I blurted out, for whatever reason that up to now remains a mystery to me, "Which gang are you from? Come fight la! (In Hokkien cum Chinese)". The aggressor heard me and became even more agitated but thanks to his teamates, though he was struggling to get to me, I was still separated from him.

Then came the moment when everyone calmed down and I could see a guy, presumbably older than us because he looks old (Oooppss!), from the opposition who came walking to me and put his hand over my shoulder and started to walk me away from the crowd. My legs just followed him wherever he wanted to lead me to and I didn't dare moved an inch of my muscle. He said to me, "Kid, don't anyhow talk about gangs ok? You wouldn't want to be associated with a gang, trust me..." I think he still said some more stuff to me but that's all I can remember now.

After the match, one of my classmates by the name of Gavin (he was the one who arranged the match) told me that the guy talking to me was a member of a notorious gang and I totally blanked out. I realised that he could have walloped me in his usual gangster style but he didn't. I was and still grateful to him up till now that he pulled me away from what could be a painful experience, literally.

Ooppss... I have written so much but I have yet to really go into my serious flaw... Think this could be a trilogy in the making... Continue in my next post then! Cheers!

Friday, August 18, 2006
Stupidity act
10:54 AM

gd morning, *org name*

rattles off her mbership number

may i noe wat is it regarding?

can u note down the number first (in a unhappy tone)

yes? (no choice, LL)

can u take note for this coy, *name* has left u keep sending stuff attn to him can u change to *name*

can u send us an email pls? as we will require black n white for record purposes

wat's ur email id?

moral -> dun be so stubborn, asked u wat is it regarding dun wan to say mus insist on givin ur mber no i also cannot do anything dumbass.. when u call up a coy, it's always wise to let the person noe wat is it regarding instead of jus plunging into watever shit u wanna say

Thursday, August 17, 2006
A.M.O.K to aPpLe & oRaNgE
1:44 PM

Just two days after I announced the birth of A.M.O.K, the blog went through a transformation and it is now known as aPpLe & oRaNgE. The naming process was fast - it took less than a minute. In a nutshell, I suggested two names - The Inseparables (it was immediately rejected. Sounds too corny i guess) and apple & orange (her face brightened up upon hearing this). Why the name? It is a long story and a secret shared by baby and me... Perhaps I will post the story of apple & orange someday... Of course it will be subject to approval... Haha

After seeing baby's virgin post, I believe you will find this blog quite interesting. Why? Simply because you will find two different styles of entries in aPpLe & oRaNgE. My style of writing belongs to a traditional, boring style (she actually described my first two posts to a friend as "attending a history lesson". Haha...) while baby's style treads on a more interesting and gossipy style. It will be interesting to see how it goes from here.

I've been to other blogs and they are totally more colourful and lively. I will be working towards that, though my IT knowledge sucks big time and my MC ends tomorrow officially. Haiz... That leaves me with little time now... And hereby introducing another member of our blog... Unofficial though... Hehe... Cheers!

Hello! My name is Kiki

My hobbies are biting, biting, and er... more biting?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006
can't get my ass moving
9:02 PM

Finally~~ a blog haha... ve been wantin to ve a blog.. to record happenings in my life but ve been lazy.. but now... since dardar has started one... so i extra join in... but then maybe i will only san fen zhong re du (maybe he also wahahahaha :p )

Seems like my temper this week has been quite bad.. got so angry i said tat i'm gonan make suer my resume is ready by this week n will start mass sending out my resume w/o bothering wat job it is hahah... easily irritated.. easily angered but then everything will be fine after a little stewing.. *wonder if it's gd or bad haha*

I wanted to complain abt sth tat happened at work today BUT... i can't recall wat is it.. definitely has sth to do wif event n stupid member haha ....

Got irriated by a member who couldn't seem to understand wat i was saying... i only asked her to mail in her registration n the payment n she keep askin "oh no more vacancy huh" *faint* Ok i cut the story short but wat is it abt these ppl man... these members always make me think nan2 dao4 singaporeans are so dumb mah? they can't understand simple english? my colleagues n myself always ve got to repeat ourseleves b4 they can get it... there r also those who tink tat i know them n can recognize their voice siao!

met one such nut today.. call n jus blabber but never tell me her coy's name n wat event she was asking abt n sounded so bu shuang somemore, irritatin...

oh ya.. there's 3 events today n one of the events had a change in venue, some participants ended up at the wrong venue n made a huge fuss but guess wat? their forms, the one they used to register their interes, indicates the correct venue... so wat's their prob??

today a colleague asked me.. y i stayed when the pay is so low.. n another asked how i managed to stay so
long.. maybe generally speaking... 3yrs is not tat long.. but for this company.. ya.. i guess it's considered damn long... bottomline... i keep thinking abt changing job whenever i get irritated tis week hahah..

have been in a state of uncertainty for a loo...ng time.. part of me wanna leave, part of me wanna stay... not tat i enjoy workin here jus tat ve been here for a long time...too comfortable.. can't get my ass movin...

Adiós, amigo...
1:49 AM

Thought my second post would not come almost immediately after my first but I just have to post this...

One of my closest secondary school friends, Isaac (better known as YY), as of now, is currently on a plane to Argentina via South Africa. He will be embarking on a 4-year journey of knowledge by pursuing a Degree in Philosophy (conducted in Spanish) as well as to learn Tango in a country where one of the best footballers of all time, Diego Armando Maradona, was born some 46 years ago. Anyway YY, among our clique, has always been different - loud, adventurous, outgoing, everchanging, trendy, a bit of cockiness and confidence in himself. Oh, did I mention that he was also a ladies man? Most gals will find him charming and I can see why.

Despite all these years of shocking antics from YY that our clique has gradually come to grasp with, his journey to Argentina was still a shocker. With all due respect to Argentina, it really isn't a top choice for most Singaporeans to further their studies. Furthermore, he has to learn a new language. Perhaps the most shocking of all was a conversation that transpired during a recent farewell dinner for him and Long-ge..

Douglas: So what's your plans for the stay in Argentina?

YY: Actually... I only made concrete plans for the 1st week of my stay... After that, its a see-how approach...

All of us: ..........................................

For those who knows YY, "typical YY" might be an appropriate conclusion to his see-how approach. He did however explain later at the dinner that he is tired of being a normal Singaporean - going to school to get your qualifications, setting goals or objectives to achieve, working hard to earn money and finally retiring when you have earned enough. YY says he did not want such a predictable life. "Wouldn't it be challenging to wake up not knowing what the future holds for you?" was what he said to round off his explanation. My immediate thought was there is a limit to leading an unpredictable life and this was far too much. Going to Argentina for four years but having a concrete plan for only the first week?

I can safely say that if I were the one to go Argentina in a state like YY, I will never survive past one week. I am a typical Singaporean. But we are talking about YY now. In my opinion, he is just that bit different. YY is intelligent, determined and most important of all, he is receptive to change. His intelligence is never doubted, though intelligence almost always comes with a negative trait - laziness (I am lazy so does that makes me.....). YY's determination is somewhat refined in the Army where he had to use his determination to pull through so many stern tests in the Army. His receptiveness to change springs from the fact that he has a happy-go-lucky character and he is most likely to try anything new than all of us.

When he left Singapore on the airplane, I was not at the airport to bade him farewell. On hindsight, I should have skipped class as I did not really learn anything from that lesson. I will miss him. Our clique will miss him. Those who knows him personally will miss him. He did mentioned that he will return to Singapore in nine months time before going back to Argentina again, so till then take care my friend...

Adiós, amigo...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Birth of A.M.O.K
3:32 PM

On 13 Aug 1980, a chap by the name of Mok Wei Loon Alvin was borned...

On 15 Aug 2006, a blog by the name of A.M.O.K was borned...

I have to admit that in the past, I was totally skeptical about having a blog... I mean what's the big deal about your personal stuff that you have to post it on the web and let everybody know? To me then, bloggers are just show-offs, attention-seekers, attention-grabbers etc etc.. In a nutshell, I have nothing but skeptism for blogs and those who would spend hours in front of the computer screen to see people talk about their personal stuff...

It all changed when I started reading a blog that Daphne (my lovely baby and my other member in this blog) told me to go to... I was amazed that as I was reading the blog, I was getting more and more interested in the personal stuff of that blogger... It made me feel so 38 (for the benefit of any non-Chinese readers stumbling upon my blog, "38" simply means busybody, nosey parker)... The blog captivated me! Ok.. Maybe I exaggerated but I was certainly interested. I started to read up a few more blogs and to my surprise, my previous skeptism of blogs was crumbling down to earth within me... I started thinking to myself... "It's quite interesting after all..."

This happened almost half a year ago and throughout this six months, I had the urge to create my own blog... A few things stopped me though... 1) I do not know what stuff that I can write in my blog. I mean its not as if my life is so exciting that people would actually take the time to read my posts. 2) I'm a computer nerd and I certainly do not have the expertise to make my blog look "aesthetically-correct" 3) I do not have the time as I'm juggling both my work and studies so you can imagine how tired I am every night. (Yeah, right.)

So people might ask, "Aren't you creating one right now, duh?" Ok ok... Let me explain. Let's just say I managed to overcome the three obstacles that I had mentioned earlier. First, I still do not know what stuff should I write but why should I really care whether people would browse through my blog? Second, there is such a function called "Help" that is absolutely helpful to people like me who knows nuts about IT stuff. Lastly, a freak accident while playing soccer left me with a hairline crack at the base of my 1st metatarsal (big toe area) and I'm on medical leave for the week thus I decided to create a simple blog for me as well as Daphne to write our stuff in it.

I think I'm too excited that I wrote too much for my liking but for people that have a chance to browse my blog, I hope my blog will churn out meaningful afterthoughts and even if it doesn't, a feeling of "good time spent on reading A.M.O.K" rather than "its a waste of time to read A.M.O.K" is what I hope to at least achieve.

