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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Complaints Again
9:15 PM

Oh i wrote this on 19May n didn't finish it but hah ai dun rem wat happened le wahahah...

Haha.. as the title suggests... i'm here to complain again...

It's been a long long time since i have posted anything.. i guess i was too lazy (unlike my dardar who's trying to blame someone else for his laziness, i admit! haha yup! it all boils down to laziness..) of cos the fact tat i'm facing a PC the whole day at work n lack of access to a com at home also contributed to the lack of post from myself (hehe).

It's not that there's nth happy to blog.. jus that the moment pass n the laziness settles in therefore no post haha.. Anyway back to the irritating thing that has made me come back to blogging wahhaa...

My coy had a seminar yesterday.. now it's a damn popular event.. it's so popular that within the very day we blast out to our mbrs, we had already received 500plus registrations.. we blast out on 2May n can only take in 450 pax so u can imagine how many ppl we had to turn away since the event is like 2wks later.. plenty of time for ppl to register..

Anyway on 18 May ard 11am, yup on the very day of the event itself. This china lady called and said that they have not receieved any confirmation from us n thus wanted to noe if they have been confirmed..

I went thru my list and the list of "rejections" and also those registrations that we have not been able to key in (there's lots of other events also) n told her that we have not received her registration and besides it was full 2weeks ago. However, we have another session on the same topic by the same ppl next month and if she would be interested.

Guess wat.. she begged me to allow her boss to attend saying that her boss has resheduled his timetable jus to attend the breifing on this date (18may) but i told her that there's really no more vacancies n tat i have 200plus ppl on the rejection list, there's no way i can squeeze her in. Even if there's any cancellation it would go the the first few ppl at the very top of the rejection list. (I'm fair wat) but she jus rattle on n on begging for me to allow her in so i asked my mgr abt it, hoping that tat lady would jus let it go after i have conferred wif my mgr n we really can't put her in. Since she's so insistent... my mgr relented and agreed to let her attend.


China Lady: No no my boss will want me to go with him so i need 2 seats

Me: I'm sorry, as i've said earlier, there's really no more space n as i ve informed u earlier we have already rejected 200plus ppl and it's unfair to them tat we are making an exception by allowing you one seat and nw u want me to give u another seat?! I'm sorry there's really no way. (of cos.. i said it in a nice tone)

China Lady: I noe i noe. daphne u dun so agitated.. but u see my boss will surely want me to go with him

Me: *gave a laugh* i'm not agitated but i hope u understand... we are really full already n ve rejected so many ppl 200plus now we are already making an exception you still want me to give u 1 more seat??!! (thinking)*who cares ur boss nwill surely want u to go wif him give u seat u should tou xiao already still wan me to give u 1 more seat*

China Lady: no u see ah *try to explain to me y she NEEDS 2seats as if other ppl no reason to attend the seminar* cos i'm the one doing the stuff so i need to go n liosten then my boss needs to noe wat is happenin therefore i need 2 seats.

Me: then one of u attend today's session, another attend next month's one loh!

and she keep rattling all over again as to y she needs the bloody 2seats *GOD! I was so damn irritated loh*

then the best part came...

China Lady: nw is not we never register le. u said u ve received the form already

Me *wanna put words into my mouth.. super hot liao!!*: I DID NOT say that i have received ur form. All along i VE been saying i ve NOT received ur form n even if we have received ur form WHICH we did NOT!, it doesn't mean that u would definitely have a seat. As i said to you earlier.. Out of those 200plus ppl we rejected, there area alot of whom ve faxed in their registration on the very day we blast out.

300 - 240
11:45 AM

The title is weird. I suddenly thought of the movie "300" when I was about to write this post. "300" is a movie about the ancient Battle of Thermopylae where King Leonidas (fab abs!) and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army. Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite against their Persian enemy, drawing a line in the sand for democracy.

This post is about 60 students (hence the title 300 - 240) of our (Baby and I) class of a particular education institution, "rising" against a lecturer, who is deemed unfit / unqualified to teach the class. The accusations against the lecturers were he doesn't know his stuff, he can't answer questions posed to him, he is ambiguous in giving answers, if any, and "targetting" students who do not participate in discussions or came late to the class. Before I even continue, let me just say that though the accusations were somewhat accurate, Baby and I were actually against the idea.

Anyway, the 60 students can no longer stand for this BS and decide to "rise" against the lecturer. Facing insurmountable odds (the class was told by many such as seniors or former students that highlighting is futile), the students led by Mr Fishy and Ms Favourite Auntie, supported by Mr Ground Wolf [Note: Names have been changed to protect the innoncent] brought the battle to higher management. Surprisingly, the higher management got to know of this and arranged a feedback session with the class, chaired by two MDIS staff, who apparently are decision-makers.

The feedback session was scheduled at 6pm on one of the days when we had class. Ms Favourite Auntie sent an email, asking people to come early to class so as to give "valuable feedback" to the MDIS staff. Baby and I ignored the call, having our dinner before we reached the class at 6.45pm. We were quite surprised at the high turnout but nonetheless settled in our usual seats in the class. Not long after that, one of the MDIS staff began pointing at me, saying that he needs to be democratic and hear the views of other students. I was like "Walau! Why me?".

Nevertheless, I began to speak. I started with "I'm not trying to be a traitor here...". Come to think of it, it sounds a bit corny. Kind of regretted the way I opened my "speech". I then proceeded to defend the lecturer, stating that as degree students and working adults, we cannot expect lecturers to spoon-feed us. As for the answers that the "accused" did not provide, I went on to say that the "accused" did tell us on the very first day of lesson that there is no right or wrong answer, so long as your justification is sound and makes sense. Hence in a nutshell, it simply means that there might be different answers to a question and all answers could also score 'A', as long as the justification for the ansewer is correct.

The class was quiet after what I said and for a moment, the MDIS staff who asked me to voice out my views was silent for a while. After that awkward moment (in my opinion), normal service was resumed, with students lobbying for a change in lecturer. After that session, all the MDIS staff did reply was they would have a discussion with the "accused" to see what can be improved with regards to his teaching methods, while distancing themselves from making a definite commitment to change the lecturer.

Then came the most embarassing part. In spite of all the defence that I put up for the lecturer, when the petition to change the lecturer was passed around, I duly signed beside my name. What the ...? I didn't want to but what could I do? What could my one signature do? I only know that the only thing that my signature could do was getting myself ostracised by the whole class. In the end, I succumb to the "evil forces", I mean, peer pressure. In the end, I made myself look so stupid as my words of justice seem to count for nothing when I signed on the petition.

Fast forward to a few weeks later, the "accused" was pronounced guilty and promptly changed. The replacement came in and Baby gave a honest assessment during his first lesson. "He would have been changed if he was the first lecturer that taught us." How true. As what I had feared most, the change was not for the better but for the worst. But surprisingly, the students that led the rise against the first lecturer, seems happy with the change and the lecturer. I keep thinking to myself, "Are they forcing themselves to accept the lecturer, so as not to look stupid in being the ones who forced the change?" Or is it just me?

In the end, I couldn't but help thinking, "We won the battle but did we win the war?" I guess we would know when the results for this module are revealed in four months time.

What's up, doc?
11:17 AM

Nope, this post has nothing to do with Bugs Bunny. Speaking of which, I heard a joke about Bugs Bunny. What do you get when you cross an insect and a rabbit? Bugs Bunny! Hahaha. Ok, its lame.

But I do need a doc. I am sick. I am hit by a bug. It's called the lazy bug. This bug will come and hit me once in a while in the whole of my 26 years and 9 months. Normally, it will "possess" for me a while and then go off. But for some unknown reason, this bug has been with me for the past six months, in the process, breaking its longevity record in me. It has irritated me a few times but as I'm writing this, I'm still powerless against this bug...

- Lazy to study.

Promises to myself and baby that I will start preparing notes for exams early has been conveniently forgotten till the very last minute. Actually, its not my fault. Blame it on the exciting movies that my sis keeps supplying me, the animes that I downloaded, which gets more and more interesting by the episode, a funny Korean drama, my PS2 games and AXN that shows really good shows like CSI and Heroes. Seriously, they shouldn't make these stuff so exciting. It's addictive.

- Lazy to train for fitness test

Scheduled to take my test in early May but I sort of chickened out cos I know I'm not prepared enough. I swore to myself then I must train intensively to take the test in Jun. Same old shit again. I'm still not training again. Actually its not my fault. Why? Ditto previous point.

- Lazy to tidy my rooms

Some time back, I saw piles of notes being chucked aside on my bookshelf in a messy manner. I decided that enough is enough. I shall organise my notes and make my bookshelf look like a bookshelf. Fast forward to now, the notes are still smiling at me, taunting me. Damn. I guess I will let them taunt me for a while still. I'll be back. But then again, its not my fault. *Denial mode in progress.......... yet again*

- Lazy to blog

Early intentions were to blog everyday but realise that it simply can't be done. Why? Because I'm too lazy to write? Sometimes I even find it lazy to turn on my computer...

This bug is known to be infectious. Baby has somewhat gotten this bug from me when a few days ago, she mentioned that she's getting lazier. Or did I actually got the bug from her? Hmm... Anyway the battle may be lost but the war is not over!! But maybe I shall continue this war after watching my shows and playing my games?! =)
