Navigations are at the top.
Surprisely, mummy's cholestrol level is higher than father's...but it's okie cos mummy's diet easier to control and she's more guai haha and i'm glad my dad received a clean bill of health, considerin his smoking, late nights, lack of slp, etc...
and becos of the medical appointments.. i realised that my attitude towardswork has been wrong.. all along i was fine with giving a little more in doing my work.. stayin back for a while, etc
from now on, i will adjust my working attitude. When the clock strikes 12.30pm for lunch, i will stop work, when the clock strikes 5.30pm, official knock off time, i will stop work. I will not work an extra min.. if i ve to work overtime, i will only start working from 6pm onwards since OT can only be claimed from 6pm onwards.
Y am i being treated in such an unfair manner, other ppl go for medical appt do not have to apply for time off but i ve to. My mgr left after having lunch and even announced that she's goin shopping at Robinson later. Another colleague's appt was at 9am and it's ok BUT my appt at 3pm is at a weird timing? This is not the first time i have gone for medical appt... so y is she givin me grief this time round?
After workin for u for 4yrs and yet this is the way u tink of me, tink tat i wanna cheat u of that 1 - 2 hrs? sickening...
1st sad
14 Jan 08. 1615hrs. I officially said goodbye to my favourite foods such as Laksa, Char Quay Teow, McSpicy Chicken, roast duck, roast pork etc. Or rather, a doctor had informed me that I have to abstain from all these food for about six months due to my overly high cholestorol level (201. He said below 130 is fine, 130-160 is borderline bad and above 160 is "jialat" bad) and see whether it would help in decreasing it. After listening to all the food that I have to abstain from, I asked him, so why not tell me what can I eat then?
Wow. Thanks. That's...... comforting. Argh. I shouldn't have gone for the check-up.
2nd sad
Baby and I were stuck in Causeway Point today due to heavy rain and my car was parked just opposite. Thinking that the rain would last for some time, we decided to catch a movie. "American Gangster" and "AVP2" came to my mind immediately but I thought "AG" was too heavy for me today (please see 1st sad) and my colleague told me "AVP2" sucks big time, which I kinda expected it. Anyway, seeing one lizard-like alien killing a cockroach-like alien would be too bored for Baby too. Then, I saw the poster of "I am Legend". Oh, it's still around, I thought. Had heard it's nice and any movie starring Will Smith can't be that bad. Ok. We shall watch that then.
Though it was not exactly mind-blowing, I thought it was an excellent movie and definitely worth the $6 I paid per ticket. In fact, I don't even mind paying $9.50. So what's the 2nd sad then? For those who have watched the movie, there was a dog who had accompanied Will Smith for three years and she (Samantha was her name) was injured trying to save Smith's ass. Smith eventually had to kill her as she was turning into something evil. I had to try REALLY VERY hard to hold back my tears and it was that moving. Up till now, I still can't forget the scene, feeling sad upon remembering the doggie's death. On a sour note, some idiots laughed when Will Smith killed the dog as they thought his face was funny. I swore I would have killed them if I have a knife in my hand. Urgh!!! Anyway, do watch this show if you have the chance. It's really worth the money.
Hungry now but I can't eat anything! Argh! I can't order my favourite McDonald's as well. Eat fruits suan le... haiz... 我真可怜!
Manchester United
Think I'm going to talk about their recent matches? Nay. I always wanted to wear a "情侣装" with Baby but just couldn't find something that both of us likes. Btw, we are so so different. She likes things that I don't like and I like things that she doesn't like. Wonder how we got along. Haha. Anyway one fine day, my colleague asked me whether I wanted to buy Man Utd jersey from UK, which is supposed to be cheaper than buying locally even after adding in the shipping costs. Then a thought suddenly struck me! This is the perfect 情侣装!
Wanted to be a surprise for her and give it to her when the shipment arrives but (1) I can't keep secrets about surprises and (2) my colleague & I were still checking around. Eventually, I bought a female Man Utd jersey with Ronaldo printing for Baby at Peninsula Shopping Centre last Sun and will collect it this Sat. I shall post a photo of both of us in Man Utd jerseys when I finally get mine hands on one. Can't wait for that day... =)
"We take care of our taxi drivers..... not!"
Ok, this is old news but the recent increase in cab fares have been explained by ComfortDelGro as "due to the increase in oil prices". Bullshit. As a taxi uncle puts it, if ComfortDelGro really cares about their taxi drivers, why not decrease the amount of their daily rent of the taxi instead? Why increase the cab fare? I just hope this doesn't affect my dad too much. Haiz.
Leaving SAF in May 08
Finally the day to leave SAF can be confirmed. 30 Apr 08 is the day I say goodbye to the organisation that I would have served for 7 years and 7 months and 28 days. The thought of leaving has lied within me since the first year when I was posted to my current department. The guys are great. It's just that the work isn't. The future is uncertain and I'm a bit worried as to how would I cope in private sector after so many years in SAF. But I relish a new challenge so the feelings are mixed - worried and yet excited.
Quite tired now... Can't think of any more to write... Yawnz.....