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underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Navigations are at the top.

Thursday, April 29, 2010
End of the Road...
12:00 PM

4 February 2006: Two of them came together...
19/20 April 2010: Two of them broke up...
4 years, 2 months and almost 3 weeks of relationship just gone... and to make matters worse, I was going to propose to her soon...

25 April 2010:

Decided I could not live on after learning of some things, which I will not elaborate. I just wanted the pain to go away. The pain in my heart. First, went to suffocate myself in a plastic bag. Couldn't as I panicked. Then tried to hang myself. Couldn't as it hurts too much. Then took 15 to 16 pills of piriton and a bottle of cough mixture to make myself more drowsy before I try again.

I tried again after the drowsy effect kicked in. But it failed again though for both methods, I managed to endure for a slightly longer time, which explains the pain in my throat (from hanging) ever since. Cursing, and crying at the same time, myself as a coward who wants to die but am afraid of pain, I then ingested another 50 pills which include paracetemol, synflex, antacid. They will not cause you to die BUT if untreated, will cause liver failure and will lead to death.

Somehow, she managed to persuade me to see the doc which I did. If you ask me, I will tell you I regret this decision because I had wanted to die for this pain to go away!!! If I can do it all over again, I will make sure I do not see the doctor. The psychiatrist saw me and told me the pain will be there but it needs time to go away. Everybody (including her) tells me time will heal the wounds but all of them don't know how much it hurts! The anti-depressant medication does not help and I have to get relaxant/sleeping pills just to sleep because all I can do is stare into space and let the tears flow.

我知道故事不會太曲折, 我總會遇見一個什麼人
陪我過沒有了她的人生, 成家立業之類的等等

她做了她覺得對的選擇, 我只好祝福她真的對了
愛不到我最想要愛的人, 誰還能要我怎樣呢

我愛的人, 不是我的愛人
她心裡每一寸, 都屬於另一個人
她真幸福, 幸福得真殘忍
讓我又愛又恨, 她的愛怎麼那麼深

我愛的人, 她已有了愛人
從她們的眼神, 說明了我不可能
每當聽見, 她或他說我們
就像聽見愛情, 永恆的嘲笑聲

每當聽見, 她或他說我們
就像聽見愛情, 永恆的嘲笑聲 --- 陈小春《我爱的人》

I really don't know what to do... Life is meaningless... And the pain... It just won't go away...
原来童话故事都是骗人的。。 青蛙终究还是青蛙。。无法变成王子。。
或许你会说那可不一定。。 我赞成。。
永远扮好自己的角色。。 一个平凡无奇,不起眼的癞蛤蟆。。

Sorry, D.. My temper, bad habits and me not loving you enough had pushed you away from me... I am sorry... I wished I could have noticed it earlier but I'm just a stupid fool... Sorry... Sorry to waste 4 years of your youth... I wish you happiness and the next guy you meet will definitely be a much better guy for you and I know for sure that he will be the one that you should say "I do" and not me...

别哭,你要很幸福。。 微笑,让我看清楚。。

This is also the end of the blog. Please, if you are linked to this blog previously, please remove this link. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Signs of getting old
9:28 PM

Had wanted to write something like this for a long time. Got this feeling of getting older by the day especially with the "dreaded 30" fast approaching. How ironic that you wished you were older when you were just a young punk and wishing you will stop aging when you get older.

You know you are getting older when:

1. you can't even remember some stuff that you had told your friends or other half just days ago. My baby can testify to this. Haha.

2. you start to "compete" with those uncles and aunties on getting to the escalators at MRT stations especially during morning rush hours. This may be a sign of getting old or simply just a way of surviving in Singapore. (Last time when I still young, will always give way and sometimes wait until cows come home also not my turn lor.)

3. you thought Restaurant City is a new restaurant that had opened in Orchard. I personally lost interest in Facebook and its numerous applications donkey years ago. Nowadays go into Facebook is just to confirm friend request. Dun really understand why others can stay in Facebook for like hours while I can log off in 5 mins (and that is the max).

4. you start to say "these youngsters or young punks hor...." or "when I was still young hor..." in conversations with your friends. Damn. This really makes me feel old and did I say something like this earlier? Shit.

5. you said you last cheong at Ministry of Sound/Sparks/Canto/China Black/Double O/Mdm Wong/Wong Shan (Please delete where applicable). I am totally out of sync with the nightlife nowadays and the latest cheong place that I can tell my friends is Dragonfly. Haha.

6. a karang guni uncle who is much (x 100 times) older than you asked you "Uncle, you got anything you want to sell boh?". Please lor... Even if I got something to sell, I won't sell you lor!

7. a current picture of yourself and a picture of yourself 5 years ago looks like those before-and-after photos in some advertisments by some beauty and wellness centre. I hate my former colleague for putting up the photo we took 5 years ago in Facebook.

8. you prefer briefs over boxers. Heard in a Taiwanese variety show hosted by Tao-zi that only the older generation wear briefs nowadays and boxers are now the in-thing. I, for one, can't seem to fathom the idea of wearing another pair of shorts inside your jeans/pants/berms. Hot leh...

9. the DJ at the radio station announced a classic, i.e. oldies, love song is to be played and you are, unfortunately, able to sing along with it. Not only songs on radio, even at karaoke, I prefer to sing not-so-new songs liao.

10. you look at the above nine points and say "me too leh!". Welcome to the club! =)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
REALly gone
9:59 PM

Last week. Thursday. Switch on PC. Went to ESPN Soccernet. And what came next was I think heartache.

"United accepts Ronaldo bid"

Many Man Utd fans, including yours truly, had been expecting it but I guessed it is still mind-numbing when it really happens. This is especially so when Real Madrid had previously smashed the world record transfer just a few days ago when they bought Kaka from AC Milan for 56m pounds.

Recovering from my shock, I smsed Baby (who's a Ronaldo fan) about the news and that I don't miss him as much as compared to the departure of David Beckham and Ruud Van Nistelrooy. Perhaps it is due to the fact that I have never been a true fan of him. As much as he is gifted, pouting and flapping his hands like a little kid when he lost the ball or his team mates did not anticipate his movement, diving at the slightest touch (and sometimes invisible touch!) etc just dun endear to me, unlike players like Scholes or Vidic. Besides, who can forget his courting of Real Madrid at the end of last season, which really showed disrespect to Man Utd as a club. But i must reiterate that it is still a huge loss to Man Utd.

Ronaldo's move to Real Madrid was not only due to sporting reasons (galaticos project), but also to financial reasons. Reports have indicated that Ronaldo's contract includes a 25% yearly increment in salary and at the end of his contract, he will be earning a whooping 500,000+ pounds PER WEEK, which translates to almost S$1m! It's like....... striking Toto every week! No wonder Ronaldo in the picture looks like he's saying I will be crazy not to go!

Another financial reason touted was the tax increase in Britain. Apparently, high earners will have to pay a 50% (and here we are complaining about how high our taxes are) income tax, an increase of 10%. This worked out to be some 2m pounds loss for Ronaldo had he stayed in England. On the football side, Real Madrid is certainly brewing something big (but RM should really buy some decent defenders to complement the array of attacking talent) and every player, including Ronaldo, would be interested to be part of it. And Ronaldo has won everything with Man Utd, be it in Europe or England, so he might appreciate a new challenge. I think Man Utd fans should really thank him for his service and wished him the best of luck in the future.

Now his replacement. Several names have been touted - Franck Ribery, Karim Benzema, Antonio Valencia, David Silva etc. Now if it is just to boost the morale of supporters and players after the departure of Ronaldo, any of them (bar Valencia) would be a good choice. But my choice, which will surprise many, will be to give Nani more playing time. Nani might be too stressed by the comparisons by the media and fans when Ronaldo was still at the club and now might be the right time to unleash him. I might be wrong but at least give him a chance to show what he can do rather than buying a big name, which will not come cheap - Ribery @ 70m pounds, Benzema @ 40m pounds, David Silva @ 25m pounds and even Valencia is commanding 20m pounds.

Now did I just hear someone say recession?

Monday, June 15, 2009
Baba King Nonya Deli
9:59 PM

Just had a gathering with my secondary school mates + Don at Baba King Nonya Deli @ Singapore Expo. Reason for gathering? CY gonna take off for Japan in end June for a student exchange programme that I thought I heard him saying that he didn't sign up for it. Anyway, poor Xiuying (CY's fiancee) got to endure for two months, but hey, Skype and MSN will soften your pain I guess.

Don & Yiqing

Long-ge & CY

Yiqing & Long-ge

Doug & me

Whole gang

Back to Baba King. This is a Nonya Restaurant that I suggested going after looking at its reviews on hungrygowhere.com. Was actually worried that the food might not be as nice and everybody will wallop me for a "good recommendation"! Proved that my worry was unfounded as the food there was quite delicious! We had fish otak (heavenly!), kang kong, duck sioh, soft shell crab, ngoh hiang, green curry chicken, chap chye, fish assam thingy and all for a reasonable price too. Oh, Don kept saying the white rice was the most delicious and I nearly threw the green chicken curry at him! haha... Didn't had the chance to take photos of the food as I was busy eating and by the time I remembered, the food was all gone!
Kang Kong (Notice the nice white rice? hehe)

Green Chicken Curry (ok.. pic might not be that nice but it tasted nice!)

Fish Assam Curry

Fish Otak!!!!!!
Guys, we really should get together more often as it was fun catching up with all of you! Till then...

P.S. - Talking about blogging, CY mentioned I keep starting my posts along the line of "I will strive to write regularly for my blog". Haha.. nice observation.. I didnt write for this post so no shooting myself in the foot again! haha..

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
8:30 PM

Baby recently told me she's feeling excited..... Ahem..... We never do anything la..... She's just excited about our impending trip to Taiwan in Apr... Me too cos my last overseas trip was in 2001 with a bunch of sweaty guys (army training loh)...

Anyway since the tickets were booked, I have been doing pretty lotsa research - what hotel to book, where to go, how to go in doing up the itinerary. As the date gets closer, the places we are going are more or less firmed:

- National Palace Museum [intro by Xiuying (Ed's gf) to see the jade that looks like 三层肉]
- 五角船板 (restaurant that baby saw it on a ch 8 tv prog)
- Dan Shui
- Beitou Hotspring
- Xi Men Ding
- Taipei 101 (not really feel like going but it feels funny to tell ppl that I've been to Taipei but not to 101, so 去个意思吧..)
- Leofoo Village (I hope I make it back alive) [Will take up almost 1 day I think]
- Wu Fen Pu
- Jiu Fen
- Night Markets (Shilin, Shida, Raohe)

Still trying to see if can slot in Yang Ming Shan to see flowers (yawn), Tianmu. I'm going Taroko Gorge too but still trying to find my way there. Haha... It will occupy another whole day...

Oh, got to share with you on this terrific place to get information about Taiwan. There is this Taiwan Visitors Association at UIC Building (Shenton Way) that has free maps, guides and brochures about Taiwan. These are some of the brochures I took back.

And, to encourage more people to travel to Taiwan, they even give away freebies. For the months of Jan to Mar, they are giving away limited edition of EasyCard (equivalent to our EZ Link card) with a value of NT50 inside the card.

They are giving away theme park tix in Apr. Cant remember the freebies in May and June though. Do drop by the place the next time you are going to Taiwan.

I **** Liverpool!!
7:58 PM

Last I checked, my last entry was in Jul 08. Wow. Haha. Acutally meant to post for a long time le but lazy la... shall come up with a few posts to make up for lost time... haha..

I have never hated Liverpool since I started watching football cos my dad is a supporter and I have great friends who are Liverpool fans such as Edward or Douglas. That's why I make it a point not to hate Liverpool like what most Man Utd fans will behave.

BUT NOW, I have a colleague who is an irritating Liverpool fan! He is great as a colleague but he is sibei irritating when it comes to LiverpooL! He comes into office with a happy face if Liverpool won the other nite ("wow! Gerrard very good! The wingers of Liverpool very good!) and with a black face if Liverpool lost ("actually I think Liverpool is better off without Gerrard. He shouldn't have played la"). Look at the comments and you know he's one of those guys that knows shit about football and yet always tried to act like he knows everything.

The Monday after the loss, he showed me a photo in the New Paper that depicted the despondent looks of Man Utd players while Liverpool players were celebrating at the background. He laughed (anyway, he laughs like a friggin gay) and said "Man Utd players sibei poor thing hor?". WAAAAAAAAA!!!!! (vomit blood)

Pui pui pui! We may have lost the battle (and sibei jialat somemore) but we will win the war... I hope... Please let it happen cos if not, I may really commit murder... (sharpens knife in one dark corner of my room)

Sunday, September 07, 2008
Work is ... *BIG SIGH*
12:19 PM

Tired... of everything... blood jus boils when i get a stupid phone call or when colleagues try to play "tai chi"

everything n everyone (almost everyone, thank god for those few sane ones in the coy) is irritatin me.. i tink i really need a break from them else even the tiniest bittsy stuff will also set me off

But too bad.. no breaks so i can only grind my teeth n roll my eyes at the stupidity i ve to endure 5days a week.. :P

can u guys believe it that a NTU grad tried to attribute her inability to transfer call to me jus cos she tot i called her line while she was in the process of transferring calls? AND it wouldnt have been possible even if i really did call her line while she was transferring. How could line get cut off jus cos ppl call u????

Luckily i was in a gd mood at that moment else i tink i would ve given her hell..

Runying asked me "where do all these stupid ppl come from" n i said "apparently NTU"
of cos not all NTU grad are like tat BUT some are really.... w/o common sense...

My resume is ready haha but should i wait till they promote me to an executive b4 leaving?
what Runying said the other day made sense.. i ve been here for 5yrs.. it wouldnt be gd to be still at the same AE position for 5 bloody yrs.. other coys might not empathise with the policy in this coy.. it doesnt matter how long u ve been in the coy but u need to have a degree to be an exec

Sometimes... i feel so irritated with myself.. m so old already but still have no idea wat i wan.. haiz..
or maybe like wat Yilin says... i should jus heck n send out resume.. see wat offers i get hahaha


Saturday, August 02, 2008
Hint of gettin back to my old self?
12:34 PM

Yesh~~ so happy n proud of myself hehe
Yesterday an uncle, at first i tot is ABNN cos of the way he speaks..
n he sounded like one la hor
but later i realised is an old uncle those kind tat speak english in a weird way :P

n he refused to let me speak n even when i ve explained to him he still keep goin on n on n repeatin himself
BUT! surprise surprise... i still didnt raise my tone or get pek chey wif him

I still tok to him in a nice tone hahhaa

Is that a hint of my old self comin back? I hope so.. *Big smile*

Thursday, July 03, 2008
The fragile relationship between humans..
10:16 PM

Recently there has been bad news ard me in the relationship dept..

Break-ups, disputes, unhappiness.

It got me thinking.. Will you be able to forgive your other half if he/she has betrayed ur trust?

I doubt i'll be able to. And there's also the issue of trust.

Even if i can find it in myself to forgive him, will i be able to trust him again?

There won't be any trust between us anymore. If so, what's the point of staying together?

And even if we stayed together, i will expect him to tolerate me no matter wat. Cos... he did wrong first so he has to take watever shit i dish out haha tat's my view la.. though i noe it's not correct n the r/s will surely suffer over time, so i guess this actually means that i can't totally forgive him, Haha.. i can only forgive him for the time being and as time goes by i will start to harbour feelings of resentment.

I guess i'm not very forgiving huh, wahaha..

So saying.. How do u noe if this person is THE ONE?

Why do ppl get married?

Know of a married couple who do not... do alot of things together..

When they go shopping, they arrive at the same place together den go shop for their stuff individually, and they seem to not really communicate much cos they dun seem to know what each other is busy wif..

Perhaps they do communicate, i dunno but from what i hear... They dun really get to spend much time together. Weekdays are gone cos of work. Weekends, are sometimes spent with their respective frens, or otherwise spent at the same place seperately. So maybe they get to ve some quality time one day per week together..

Actually... why do ppl get together? Do u need to have a partner since we are normally busy with work 5 days a week, etc..

Food for thought haha

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
感触良多。。。/ Jobless Chronicles - 61 days
8:29 PM

Something happened that got me thinking... Many have said that a couple needs time to understand each other before getting married... But exactly what timeframe is considered "good enough" for a couple to decide to take the next step? I know a few months is definitely not enough as I experienced it first-hand. But I know a couple that had dated for a long 9 years before marriage and now into the 6th year of their marriage - that's 15 years together mind you - they are about to get a divorce.

Sure, I understand that some things happened that forced their hand but it sure got me thinking... People change over time; John in 2008 might, and most likely, be different from the John in 2000. Mary, who decided to marry John (v. 2000) because of who he was then, might detest John (v. 2008). So what does she do then? Divorce? What makes a marriage click then?

Marriage is such a complicated matter. It's certainly more than "I-love-you-and-you-love-me". Yet more and more people are getting married at such a young age (including me) and consequently, more and more people are also divorcing at an early age. Is it true that older generation value relationship more? Perhaps but they might also have a trait, which could be lost in younger generation, that makes marriages work - Tolerance.

On a happier note, the chronicles of my jobless journey is finally over! Going to start a new career at this seemingly wonderful and creative company this Friday. It's a small company but its boss and my supervisor-to-be seems very nice! Can't wait to start work again! But first, I have to adjust my body clock, which has gone haywired with my jobless journey. Oosh! 加油!

Quote of the day - "The trouble with gloom is that when you're surrounded by it, that's all you can see."

Friday, June 20, 2008
Decisions, decisions, decisions / Jobless Chronicles - Day 49
3:11 PM

Life is about decisions. Deciding to write a blog entry today, deciding to submit 10 applications today, deciding not to watch Croatia vs Turkey today etc. Some decisions are big and will affect what happens later in life while others are small and insignificant.

Ronaldo, after Portugal's exit in Euro 08 at the hands of Germany, said he is relishing a dream move to Real Madrid (RM) and will be talking to Man Utd to reach an agreement. Why are we not surprised? After Man Utd's success in Champions League (yeah!), he has been asked umpteen times on where will he be come next season. If he was loyal and had decided that Man Utd is the club for him, he would have just came out and clarified the rumours by perhaps making statement like "I will stay with Man Utd and there is no way that I will sign with RM". But what did he choose to do? "I will make my decision known after Euro 08". Seriously, can he be more stupid than this? Cos that statement simply translated to "I will declare my interest to move to RM after Euro 08"!

Well, decisions again isn't it? Is his decision correct? It will only be known in the future. However a good indication will be an advice from former Man Utd great, David Beckham (DB). DB had said Man Utd is the club for Ronaldo to grow and urged him to stay on with the Red Devils. Mind you, he must know something that people don't cos he happens to be a former RM player as well. Sir Alex said he will rather bench Ronaldo than sell him to RM. Again, wrong decision I say. Pay Ronaldo 150,000 GBP per week just to bench him and prove a point to RM? Doesn't make economical sense. I say sell Ronaldo for a hefty sum, say 100 million GBP. 1st, no point in keeping an unhappy and ingrateful player at the club; 2nd, use some of the money to clear debt (no thanks to the Glazers) and lastly use the remaining money to purchase another player. Ideally, it would be Messi cos he proved that he is way better than Ronaldo in both legs of the semi-final of the Champions League but then Barcelona won't sell for sure. But I won't mind Benzema, Ben Arfa, Robinho or even Ronaldinho either!

Now, just like Ronaldo's decision, my decision to leave SAF is a big decision. To leave my so-called comfort zone, where you honestly didnt really need to do much and still get a relatively high salary. This is what people normally term it as Zo Bo Lan (ZBL). The decision to leave seems a logical one when I was still in SAF as I frequently told myself that this life is not what I want. But as I moved to almost 50 days without employment, I'm wondering if I was too impulsive and made the wrong decision. Baby (and her friends) certainly think that 50 days is a short period to even sound the red alert and start taking jobs like insurance or property agents and told me not to be overly worried.

Moral of the story? Don't regret any decision that you had made. Regretting won't make things any better. In fact, it will just make you feel sore. The only thing to do is to try and make sure your decision turns out good. I'm sure Sir Alex didnt regret it when he sold Paul Ince, Jaap Stam, Ruud Van Nistelrooy, David Beckham and I'm also sure he won't regret it when he sells Ronaldo to RM in the coming months. Just make sure the decision to sell turns out good by putting the money from the sale to good use. Similarly for me, only thing I can do is keep sending applications, get a good job, work hard and hopefully, rewards that justified my decision.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Glory Glory Man Utd! / Jobless Chronicles - Day 13
3:45 PM

My 2nd posting in less than a week. Why? Simply because I'm jobless. =(

On a happier note, never have I been so happy that I'm wrong! I mentioned earlier that I don't have a good feeling for Man Utd's match against Wigan, fearing a recurrence of the situation in 1994 (see previous post). Chris Kirkland had an inspiring day in goal for Wigan but perhaps not as inspiring as Ludek Milosko for West Ham in 1994. Goals from Ronaldo and Giggsy ensured that Man Utd claimed their 10th Premiership title (17 league titles in all) and moved closer to Liverpool's all-time record of 18 league titles. It was a day to savour, especially for Giggsy, who not only scored the goal that probably decided it but also equalled the record for number of appearances for Man Utd, which is currently co-held by Sir Bobby Charlton, a legend himself. Actually, if not for Giggsy's troubling hamstring problems in his younger days, this record would have been broken long ago, a fact not lost on Sir Charlton himself. So kudos to Giggsy and what an occasion to break the record in a Champions League final. I hope I'm wrong again (see previous post again) in predicting a trophy each for Man Utd and Chelsea. Go Devils!

It has been 13 days since I left the service and plunge myself into the private sector. People have been asking me why on earth did I quit without finding a job first? In a perfect world, I will gladly do that. But I can't. First, I have to give 3 months notice (yes, not 1, not 2 but 3) to quit the service. Anyone who thinks it is possible for an guy with no relevant working experience to go for an interview and ask the employer to wait for 3 months must be an optimist. Sadly, I'm not one. Second, when I handed in my resignation, I had started to look for jobs from early Mar. Sadly (again), I couldn't find a job before I left.

To date, I have sent out more than 80 applications. And I have been through 3 interviews and 1 phone interview. The first (informal) interview was with a headhunting consultancy firm. They were interested in me but I wasn't interested as it was not something I want to do. A job is a job but what I'm looking for is a career and that's why I believe the first job is very important. Well, maybe that would change if this continues after a month. Anyway second (informal again) interview was interesting and the interviewer exudes a charm that captivated me. Decide to try it out until I realised that it was MLM in disguise on the first day. Did not even bother to show up on the second day, though I did send the interviewer an email to thank him for the opportunity. The phone interview from a training system company lasted 36 minutes and I was asked to sell a product (I chose PSP) to the interviewer so as to assess my sales pitching. I guess he wasn't really interested in me and the feeling was mutual as I seriously do not like to do sales job.

The final interview I went was finally a formal interview at last at an established company. The interview lasted 1 hr-plus and she said this is only the first round of interview and will inform me if I was shortlisted for the 2nd interview. I told Baby that I think I will not be shortlisted because of what she said to me towards the end of the interview. I am disappointed because this job is something that I wanted to kickstart my career. And failed interviews can be quite morale-sapping, not that I have high morale in the first place.

Baby has kept assuring me it's only 10-plus days since I was jobless and some of her friends took months to find a job. I myself know it takes time and have more confidence in myself that a suitable job will come my way soon. 加油加油加油!

Thursday, May 08, 2008
3:21 PM

It has been a long four months since the last post in our blog... So much has happened since...

1. Most importantly, I have left the SAF and is now officially jobless. Many friends have came up to me and said "Shiok right! Missed your pink IC right?!". Well, my answer surprised some of them. When I was in the force, I couldn't wait for my ORD day to come and when it really came, I was less happy than I expected myself to be. Perhaps it's about getting out of my comfort zone. I was comfortable at my office, drawing a nice pay (to me, may not be to others) and life was good. I have started looking for a job since end Mar I think and have went for 2 interviews. Both are not what I want so I rejected them. Going for an interview tomorrow. I hope it's something I want and of course, also hoping I'm the person they want.

2. I finally completed my studies (ok.. I still got one paper in Jul but it's the end of my classes!)! 3 years have passed and I'm glad that it's all over. What pleases me most was my supervisor for my FYP said he will push me up to 1st Class Honours if there is a chance! Though I think it's very impossible (considering my results are now borderline 2nd Upper), I'm just glad that there is at least a chance, albeit a very slim one. Of course, it will also depend on my 2 papers that I took in March and the Jul paper.

3. Man Utd is going into Survival Sunday, level on points with Chelsea. A win against Wigan will seal it, barring a freakish result, i.e. Chelsea 21 Bolton 0. I don't have a good feeling because when was the last time Man Utd had to go into the last game, needing a win to seal the title? Yes... 1994 against West Ham and Blackburn against Liverpool. With Blackburn going to Anfield, Man Utd were favourites for the title. But alas, Man Utd somehow failed to win (and score), with the help of inspired goalkeeping from Ludek Milosko, and even though Blackburn lost to Liverpool, the title was snatched away from Man Utd. This time Man Utd is again favourites to win the title but I just don't feel right about this... I hope I'm wrong... Please, let me be wrong!

4. It sure is a repeat of last season, isn't it? Champions League final sees Man Utd pits against Chelsea, which was the FA Cup final last season. I think the result will be similar. They will share a trophy each so whoever wins the Premier League will be the loser for the final. That's my bet.

5. Saw Yanyang (YY) on TV some time back in the programme, Find Me A Singaporean. It was sure interesting and I had a big smile on my face when YY opened the door for Belinda (host). It's really tough living in a foreign country, not to say foreign language too, by yourself and as what YY said, friends are thus important and I can say that I'm glad that he has found some friends in Argentina, which will make those lonely nights less lonely. He's coming back on 24 Jun (TBC) for a month I think and I cant wait for this day to see an old friend again. This time in person. =)

Monday, January 14, 2008
pissed off with my boss
9:36 PM

Went to pick up my medical report + my parents' today together with dar dar. Everything's good except tat my mum's n dardar LDL cholestrol (aka bad cholestrol) are on the high side esp dardar's! so he has to watch me eat the delicious goody stuff! wahha :p hehe

Surprisely, mummy's cholestrol level is higher than father's...but it's okie cos mummy's diet easier to control and she's more guai haha and i'm glad my dad received a clean bill of health, considerin his smoking, late nights, lack of slp, etc...

and becos of the medical appointments.. i realised that my attitude towardswork has been wrong.. all along i was fine with giving a little more in doing my work.. stayin back for a while, etc
from now on, i will adjust my working attitude. When the clock strikes 12.30pm for lunch, i will stop work, when the clock strikes 5.30pm, official knock off time, i will stop work. I will not work an extra min.. if i ve to work overtime, i will only start working from 6pm onwards since OT can only be claimed from 6pm onwards.

Y am i being treated in such an unfair manner, other ppl go for medical appt do not have to apply for time off but i ve to. My mgr left after having lunch and even announced that she's goin shopping at Robinson later. Another colleague's appt was at 9am and it's ok BUT my appt at 3pm is at a weird timing? This is not the first time i have gone for medical appt... so y is she givin me grief this time round?

After workin for u for 4yrs and yet this is the way u tink of me, tink tat i wanna cheat u of that 1 - 2 hrs? sickening...

Sad, sad day...
8:26 PM

Sad, sad day...

1st sad
14 Jan 08. 1615hrs. I officially said goodbye to my favourite foods such as Laksa, Char Quay Teow, McSpicy Chicken, roast duck, roast pork etc. Or rather, a doctor had informed me that I have to abstain from all these food for about six months due to my overly high cholestorol level (201. He said below 130 is fine, 130-160 is borderline bad and above 160 is "jialat" bad) and see whether it would help in decreasing it. After listening to all the food that I have to abstain from, I asked him, so why not tell me what can I eat then?

"Basically, you shall live like a monk, except that you don't have to shave your head botak."

Wow. Thanks. That's...... comforting. Argh. I shouldn't have gone for the check-up.

2nd sad
Baby and I were stuck in Causeway Point today due to heavy rain and my car was parked just opposite. Thinking that the rain would last for some time, we decided to catch a movie. "American Gangster" and "AVP2" came to my mind immediately but I thought "AG" was too heavy for me today (please see 1st sad) and my colleague told me "AVP2" sucks big time, which I kinda expected it. Anyway, seeing one lizard-like alien killing a cockroach-like alien would be too bored for Baby too. Then, I saw the poster of "I am Legend". Oh, it's still around, I thought. Had heard it's nice and any movie starring Will Smith can't be that bad. Ok. We shall watch that then.

Though it was not exactly mind-blowing, I thought it was an excellent movie and definitely worth the $6 I paid per ticket. In fact, I don't even mind paying $9.50. So what's the 2nd sad then? For those who have watched the movie, there was a dog who had accompanied Will Smith for three years and she (Samantha was her name) was injured trying to save Smith's ass. Smith eventually had to kill her as she was turning into something evil. I had to try REALLY VERY hard to hold back my tears and it was that moving. Up till now, I still can't forget the scene, feeling sad upon remembering the doggie's death. On a sour note, some idiots laughed when Will Smith killed the dog as they thought his face was funny. I swore I would have killed them if I have a knife in my hand. Urgh!!! Anyway, do watch this show if you have the chance. It's really worth the money.

Hungry now but I can't eat anything! Argh! I can't order my favourite McDonald's as well. Eat fruits suan le... haiz... 我真可怜!
